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The Difference Between Winter Tires and All-Season Tires

Winter Tires

Have you ever thought about why every tire is different? It is because every type of tire has a purpose. Whether it is the tread design or the sidewalls, they are different in different types of tires. The slighter difference in the tread compound makes a big difference as well. So, winter is about to come and before you just enter into winter, get an understanding of these differences for a better cause. In this article, we will help you understand the difference between winter tires and all-season tires. Based on that information, you will be able to choose for yourself the right type of tires for winter in Lebanon.

The Difference Between All-Season and Winter Tires

When it comes to all-season tires, they are made up for seasons. You might think that if they are made up for all the seasons then why is there a need for winter tires? Well, all-season tires are manufactured with a design to work smoothly and quietly in most to all conditions and when it comes to snowy areas or cold weather, they can work fine in lighter snow. Although, these tires are not made up for heavy snow and extremely slippery roads in the winters. They have average traction which is good for all seasons but not so good for extreme weather. To function well in all the seasons, these tires are designed in a way that the potential to work in extreme winters and extreme summers are unfortunately not there in them. 

On the other hand, winter tires which are also named snow tires are particularly made up to survive in long and extreme winters. The material used for making the winter tires stays flexible and softer even in the coldest of places. Due to this material and its ability to stay softer, traction increases which prevent any slips and keeps the car under control. Even if the temperature is below ~45º F, these tires work perfectly. Furthermore, the biting edges of the tires and rough tread retain grip even in the hardest circumstances. When driving on snowy roads, a winter tire with studs might provide even more grip.

Tire Stopping and Control

Stopping and Control are Important

 If you are not a driver in snowy areas, you might think of it as not such a big deal but the main thing is being able to stop and control if you by any chance get yourself on a slippery slope road. Let us make it a little easier for you. Let’s suppose you are out for your morning walk and it has recently rained. You forgot to wear your sneakers and just got out with your casual sandals. You are running on the track and suddenly you tread into a wet area on the road and there you go. You might probably find yourself falling on the road the next moment. Why did this happen? You will only blame your sandals and miss your sneakers. So, to prevent such a hazard with your car while driving in an extremely cold area, make sure you have got the right tires, unlike your morning walk. 

When to Change From Summer to Winter Tires

How and When to Change From Summer to Winter Tires

Now the question that you might think of here is when and how to change from all-season to winter tires. Well, we know when the cold breeze hits, all you might think of is the cozy sweaters and the warm baths but hardly any of us might think of our saviors, I mean our cars. Therefore, it is pretty good for you to think about it now. Most importantly because it is necessary for your safety. The next question is when to switch to winter tires. Now this depends on the area where you live and mostly drive because every city has its weather wave. Some cities have winter coming earlier on their way while in some cities it takes time for winter to arrive. So, we can’t determine based on months but yes, once the winters arrive, and you start feeling frozen without any blanket, that might be the right time for you to change the tires to winter tires. You won't have to wait as long at the shop if you get them replaced sooner rather than later. It is better to put them on early than to wait until morning when you discover several feet of snow on the ground and your car is immobilized for the day.


The World's First Winter Tyre Invented?

How Was The World's First Winter Tyre Invented?

The idea of winter tires came into existence in Finland, a law requiring the use of winter tires went into effect in 1978. It is not much older than only 88 years back, the first winter tires were created in 1934. At this period, automobiles were beginning to supplant horses as a mode of transportation. Despite the bad roads, there were always things that needed to be moved. In the 1930s, as the number of automobiles rose, it was realized that passenger cars also needed new kinds of tires. A company developed smaller winter tires for the cars when the cars started operating in the cities. The first winter tire had a brand-new kind of tread design with entirely transverse grooves that offered tooth-like traction in slushy snow and muck. The tire's design was centered on providing an excellent grip surface on icy roads.

So, now that you have enough information about the winter tires, don’t forget to change them for your car.