
I am looking tire for:

You can read off the tire size on the sidewall of the tires or read the operating instructions for your vehicle.



A Few Essential Things You Should Keep In Your Car

A Few Essential Things You Should Keep In Your Car

Ever thought why people love their cars the most? There might be different subjective reasons but one thing in common is that your car is your homeaway. It is not only when you are homeless but everytime you travel. Have you ever kept your home empty and just go inside when you want to sleep? No right? Then, why do we keep our cars empty? Let us tell you a few things you should keep in your car. These things will definitely make your life easier at times of traveling hindrances. Unprecedented and unanticipated incidents can happen that can make your life difficult in no time. Let us prepare you for these unwanted events. Make notes and never forget to keep the following things in your car without exception. 

Car Tool Kit

Car Tool Kit

Keeping a gadget kit in the car is a given fact, most of the people have it in their cars but the question here is which gadgets? This is important in order to make sure you keep those things in your gadget kit which you will actually use at the time of need. There is no need to keep tools in the car that you might never use. Here is a tools checklist,  make sure you have most of it in your car. You'll need a jack and a lug wrench to repair a flat tyre, as well as a screwdriver to remove the hubcaps. Duct tape, WD-40, antifreeze, pliers, and a pocket knife should all be included in your tool box. You might need to change your tire on the go. You can also treat yourself with the Continental tires that will lessen the chance of you being unsafe while driving. If you are thinking where you can keep all of these things and how much money will it cost you to buy things for the tool kit then, that is not a bigger issue than your safety and convenience. Make a sack of jute or any coarse cloth and keep all of these things inside it. You can place it in a corner of your car trunk or under the front passenger seat. 

Tie the Knot

Tie the Knot

If you had ever observed the number of times cords are hung from the backs of cars? Ever thought why? Unless you've been electrified while driving. Even if it is unaffected, being electrified for no rationale is quite uncomfortable, as our vehicle has only four little surfaces through which it hits the ground. Furthermore, the major earthing element of the tire is rubber, which is inherently insulating, ensuring that the power caused by friction throughout vehicle operation is not wasted. To avoid this phenomena, connect a rope or iron chain to the rear of the automobile, however don't underestimate its usefulness. This is, in fact, conducting tape. Simply hang it from the tail and let it touch the ground. It allows the car's power to be routed to the earth and completely eliminated. To prevent energy, loosen the oil cap whenever the vehicle is resting. Even though the effect is minor, it is heightened when traveling at high speeds.

Always Keep A Hammer

Always Keep A Hammer

With the passage of time and experiences, life often throws lemons at you but you should make sure you are ready to make a lemonade out of it. And to make one, keep in hand the tools. Well, we are talking about any ups and downs during your journey. God forbids but what if your car accidentally falls into deep wide water and your doors get locked along with the windows? Obviously you would try to break the widow or the wind screen but how? When the time is bad nothing comes into your hand therefore, a little care and responsibility can help you save from disasters. Now imagine you suddenly remember you had a hammer placed under your seat right next to your tool kit. Just grab it out and smash the glass. There you go you are out of it. Same can happen in times of car heat and your doors can get locked. Make sure you have the right instrument for such an incident. 

Stuck in winters?

Stuck in winters?

When it comes to winters, few things are mandatory for your safety especially if you travel a lot. This includes chains if by any chance you are in hilly areas where it rains and snow falls. Chains can help prevent car slip and save you from major accidents. Keep an extra blanket and gloves in your car. A blanket will be your mother’s warmth in case you get stuck in a snowy area. When hands get freezed or extremely cold, the blood flow reduces which doesn’t let your hands function well. In such a case, pull out your emergency gloves and then drive like a pro. Another important thing is a lighter, a few candles and any metal can. A coffee can would work. This is for the time when you are stuck in traffic and your fuel has run out. You need to keep yourself warm until the cops rescue you. Place the candles in the can all together. Light them up with the lighter and place the can at a safe flat place. This will be your natural heater and will surely work for a few hours. 

Emergency box

Emergency box 

Traveling demands a lot of energy and just in case you are stuck, you need double energy. Times might come when you are out of cash or you forgot to bring your wallet and you are already on the highway. In a busy life when you are working and struggling to live a better life, you might forget things at times. So by just putting a little effort, you can make your life easier in times of such mishaps. Keep an emergency box in your car. Make sure you keep placing some change in the box on a daily basis. Even if there comes no day for such a mishap, you will be saving money eventually. Keep candies rich in calories in that box so that if you are short of food, one or two candies are enough to help you drive till the next spot. A first aid box which should include painkillers which obviously don’t contain sleeping drugs in them. Adhesive bandages, and  everything that you might need subjectively to keep yourself sound and healthy. If you have marked things from the checklist of what to keep in your car, don’t forget to sleep when you are tired while driving. Take a break, park your car, pull out the pillow and take your nap. Did you get the point? Pillow is the showstopper on the checklist.